Thursday, January 21, 2010

Role Play Topics

•Whether there is a fundamental rift between science and religion.
•Whether medieval philosophy was a positive step in the history of philosophy.
•Whether human beings are of greater value than animals.
•Whether human beings have free will.
•Whether a fetus is a person.
•Whether life has intrinsic value.
•Whether Zombies are Possible

•Whether there exists a supreme being.
•Whether objects exist in and of themselves.
•Whether infinite causal regress is possible.
•Whether cause and effect is a necessary metaphysic.
•Whether there exists an uncaused cause.
•Whether human beings have an individuated existence beyond physical death.
•Whether there exists absolute truth.
•Whether a priori knowledge is possible.
•Whether truth exists in a deterministic universe.
•Whether being without form is possible.
•Whether human knowledge must be given by a higher being.
•Whether it is true that if an infinite being is possible, it must exist.
•Whether truth is the correspondence of the mind with reality.
•Whether it is possible to know if God exists.
•Whether mind is a distinct substance from body.
•Whether experience is the only source of knowledge.
•Whether consciousness plays an active role in the world.
•Whether knowledge may be gained through faith alone.
•Whether matter is the only reality.
•Whether the non-material is the only reality.
•Whether mere appearances are the only objects of knowledge.
•Whether the world exists outside the self.
•Whether determinism is incompatible with freedom.
•Whether there is substance.

•Whether morality is absolute.
•Whether morality is absolute without the existence of God.
•Whether eating meat is ethical.
•Whether homosexuality is ethical.
•Whether suicide can ever be ethical.
•Whether euthanasia can ever be ethical.
•Whether abortion is ethical.
•Whether hunting animals for sport is ethical.
•Whether happiness of the individual should be the chief goal of ethics.
•Whether there exist any intrinsic human values.
•Whether virtue is sufficient for happiness.
•Whether the happiness of others ought to be the primary motivator for moral action.
•Whether cloning humans is ethical.

•Whether logic is objective.

Religion and Mysticism
•Whether God exists.
•Whether spirits exist.
•Whether angels (or demons) exist.
•Whether there is such a thing as a singular correct religion.
•Whether religion is a positive social institution.
•Whether an omnipotent, omni-benevolent God and evil can be reconciled.
•Whether creationism provides a valid explanation for the state of the known universe.
•Whether the atheistic or the agnostic position is more tenable.
•Whether God is active in his creation.
•Whether the universe is divine.
•Whether speculative reason can discover the existence of God.
•Whether spirit is the only reality.

Philosophy of Language
•Whether language is necessary for thought.
•Whether words and concepts have objective meaning.

Philosophy of Science and Math
•Whether Zeno’s Paradox proves that there is no real relative change.
•Whether the universe is full of intelligent life.
•Whether a paradigmatic interpretation of science is valid.
•Whether matter is composed of a singular type of smallest, sub-atomic particles.

Philosophy of Politics and Law
•Whether the two-party system is preferable to a multi-party political system.
•Whether democracy is the ideal form of government.
•Whether capital punishment is a just social institution.
•Whether capitalism is a just socio-economic model.
•Whether affirmative action is a just social institution.
•Whether terrorism can ever be justified.
•Whether voting in a fundamentally flawed political system is worthwhile.
•Whether illegal drugs should be made legal.
•Whether the drinking age should be lowered or eliminated.
•Whether more taxes should be levied against the wealthy.
•Whether the state should provide universal healthcare.
•Whether the US governments’ prohibition on limiting the right of the people, under the Second Amendment, to carry and bear arms, should be removed from the Constitution.
•Whether there should be any qualification for voting.
•Whether the concerns of the individual should take precedence over the concerns of the many.
•Whether conservatism or liberalism is a more tenable social philosophy.
•Whether there is such a thing as a just war.
•Whether in the realm of leadership, it is better to appear good and just than to be good and just.
•Whether liberty comes to humankind by nature, or if it is granted by society.
•Whether the general mass of humanity should rule itself, or should be ruled by the elite.

Current Events
•Whether homosexuals should be allowed to marry.
•Whether mandatory military service would be worthwhile.
•Whether “under God” should be stricken from the Pledge of Allegience.

Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology
•Whether the current state and progression of humanity is leading towards a higher social order, or relative social destruction.
•Whether children should be educated in any specific religion.
•Whether marriage is worthwhile social institution.
•Whether the family unit is a worthwhile social institution.

Philosophy of the Arts
•Whether there is a superior art form.
•Whether beauty is objective.

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